Press the Option key in the File Transfer Settings dialog box and the mouse pointer becomes a question mark pointer (?) while in the active part of the window. Click on any item with the question mark pointer to display help about that item. System 7 Balloons are also supported.
asc$FILE Presentation
The asc$FILE File Transfer Tool allows you to transfer files between your Macintosh and VM/CMS, MVS/TSO, and CICS/VS host environments. The IBM file transfer program IND$FILE must be installed at your host.
asc$FILE can transfer files using either the standard screen access methods, or by using the Write Structured Field (WSF) method, depending on the host application.
The asc$FILE File Transfer Tool will only work with the asc3270 Terminal Tool, and either the TCPack Connection Tool or any of the SNA•ck Connection Tools.